Vlasto Čepo je jeden z najobľúbenejších MMA bojovníkov na Slovensku a to vďaka svojmu atraktívnemu štýlu v postoji. Momentálne bojuje v organizácii Oktagon

Fotí bezdomovcov, Ježiša s kolou aj PornArt. Umelecké fotografie Ružomberčana Petra Zvonára, ktorý vystupuje pod umeleckým menom ERZVO, obleteli doslova celý svet. Vystavoval v Prahe, New Yorku či v Dubaji. Zo Slovenska chcel odísť, napokon zostal kvôli mame. Opýtali sme sa ho, ako prebieha erotické párové fotenie, prečo ho najviac baví portrét a ako sa mu ako homosexuálovi žije na konzervatívnom Slovensku.

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Prievoznik. Fine Art Matt

from 250 EUR

Ľudia ma často súdia podľa mojej tvorby


REDAKTOR: Patricia Kurpasova

Hovorí kontroverzný fotograf Peter ERZVO Zvonár, ktorý rád fotí pikantné fotografie a nehanbí sa za to.


Pre mnohých výstredný, pre iných slobodný fotograf, ktorý sa na svet pozerá umeleckým okom. Do umenia vkladá celý svoj život, no veľký kus seba venuje aj druhým, ktorí to potrebujú. Peter je fotograf, ktorého Ružomberčania dobre poznajú. Je svojský, miluje ľudí a rád ich fotí. Preferuje najmä pikantné fotografie s príbehom, no bežne fotí aj rodiny s deťmi či páry. Najnovšie sa venuje sociálnej fotografii. Počas pandémie sa umelcom nedostalo toľko úcty a uznania, nemal prácu, preto sa skúšal zamestnať v grafickej agentúre, ale po týždni si uvedomil, že neznesie autority, ktoré mu diktujú, čo má robiť. Je naučený žiť slobodne a niesť za seba zodpovednosť. …..
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ERZVO 2012 – 2022

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V najnovšej epizóde nášho podcastu/videocastu rozoberáme kariéru fotografa Petra Zvonára a jeho názory na niektoré témy ako PORNart, akty, ale načreli sme aj do témy Ľudovít Fulla, autizmus a Ružomberok.


Alex Wortex v Plus 7 dni

redaktor Monika Mikulcová


Plus 7 dni

Exluziv magazin (ČR)


Book “Never Stop Believing”

Unique bibliography, the best of ERZVO. Photostory, Christian symbols and PornArt. 100 pages, 22×22 cm. Excellent print. Available for purchase as limited edition 50 books of full color prints. Embos signed and numbered. Please feel free to contact me if you need any information. Price 300 EUR.

Opäť verí v lásku – Bára Basiková

Plus 7 dní magazín, redaktor Monika Mikulcová

Plus 7 dni

Fotenie s úžasnou Bárou Basikovou

“Milý Peter,

velmi mě inspiruješ, motivuješ, těšíš…

Díky tobě jsem zase někým.

Děkuji ti za všechno.





Artist Peter Zvonar has been following his unique vision. His staged photographs are defying stereotypes by explor-
mg the nether worlds of the dreamscape.To explore this internal territory the artist provokes the senses of the viewer
through the processes of visual displacement, juxtaposition, and reference shifts. As a result, Zvonar has created his
own world reminding that our present day civilization and its rules of conduct and behavior is but a thin and fragile
veneer, laid upon the psyche which contains passions and instincts of primordial nature. Not surprisingly, then, we find
that the artist, in his works, explores the ambiguous liminal zone between the real and the imaginary, what is sensate
and what is not, in effect bringing out for all to see how closely the sex drive interrelate through the use of Freud’s
pnncrple of the uncanny.

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Kdybych byla Madonna, Rihanna nebo Lana del Rey, to je jedno, měla bych takovéhle fotky na titulech prestižních světových magazínů, bydlela bych v obrovské vile, měla služebnictvo, oblékali by mě nejvýznamnější módní návrháři, líčili nejlepší vizážisté a fotili nejuznávanější světoví fotografové.

Ale já jsem Bára Basiková z Prahy, bydlím v malým bytě, jezdím vlakem a fotí mě třeba Peter Erzvo Zvonar z Ružomberoku.

Protože je však stejně skvělý jako stovky světových fotografů, stejně jako naši návrháři, vizážisté, designéři a já nevím, kdo ještě jsou dokonalí (a někdy i lepší) jako ti ve světě, a není to o kvalitě, ale o penězích, připadám si jako ta opravdická Star.

Peter je osobnost. Charismatický, citlivý člověk, morálně na výši a s velkým srdcem.

Nebojí se provokovat a nazývat věci pravými jmény. Nebojí se ukázat na pokrytectví, závist, lež a faleš.

Práce s ním je nádherná radost. Jsem šťastná, že je v mé blízkosti.


Bara Basikova

Auction house MutualArt




Unsere Weltreise durch die queere Fotografie führt uns heute erstmalig in die Slowakei – zu Peter ERZVO Zvonar. Peter ist gelernter Kunstrestaurator und arbeitet als Fotograf und Grafiker.

Seit einigen Jahren fokussiert er seine künstlerische Arbeit auf männliche Porträts und Akte – und die können sich sehen lassen: Hier geht es nicht nur darum, Körper möglichst attraktiv erscheinen zu lassen. Vielmehr werden Bildkompositionen aufgebaut, die männliche Erotik oft blasphemisch mit christlicher Symbolik und Bildsprache in Kontrast setzen. Auch wenn die Aufmerksamkeit zunächst auf das Model gezogen wird, lohnt sich immer ein zweiter Blick auf Szene und Accessoires, die einen provokativen, wunderlichen oder auch ironischen Rahmen für seine Fotografien bilden.

Dabei wird mal ein Bischof mit zweifelhafter Materie im Bart gezeigt, mal ein cool-erotischer Jesus mit Dornenkrone und Kippe im Mund, mal eine Szene mit einem einäugigen Teddybären in einem Abbruch-Badezimmer oder auch schlicht beste Porno-Ästhetik mit zwei Männern in der Autowerkstatt. Auf vielen der Bilder ist er dabei auch selbst zu sehen.

In jedem Fall lotet er selbstbewusst die Grenzen dessen aus, was in der konservativ-katholischen Slowakei machbar ist. Ihm geht es dabei um Liebe und Güte – aber auch darum, seine Individualität zu leben.

Und das macht er inzwischen mit Erfolg – wie diverse Ausstellungen, Features in internationalen Magazinen und Blogs und erste Fotobände belegen.

Wir freuen uns, eine Reihe von Bildern von diesem außergewöhnlichen Fotografen hier vorstellen zu können.


Honorable Recognition – “Homeless”

FEST FOTO SÚŤAŽ, Martin, Slovakia


“Čo to za veselie”

Svadobné kroje zo Šatnice matice slovenskej.

Vrútky 2018


ADVOCATE magazine (USA)

39 Photos From the Sensual and Twisted Mind of Peter Erzvo Zvonar

By Christopher Harrity

Peter believes in love and goodness, but somehow there is always a lot of sex and rebellion in his work.

We love Peter’s photography because his images show a mind that is going rapidly in many different directions at once. He works in a variety of styles and creates images with deep story suggestions. He is unafraid to experiment, and sometimes the results are fairly bizarre. That’s the way we like it.

Born in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, in1967, Peter Erzvo Zvonár is a photographer who believes in love and goodness, and who since his childhood has been standing out in a crowd because of his intransigence and originality. His portfolio is influenced deeply by his personality, especially when it comes to the male physique. His photos focus on the human figure, Christian images, or self-portraits, often upending the limits of decorum and piety. Zvonár follows his heart and a few other organs to create his images and expose the world to what turns him on. He is compared with Mapplethorpe, Bianchi, and Hamrick because of his own style, his own concepts and ideas. His photos inform us on what drives him and give us insight into the world of his art.


Finalist Artavita Art Contest, Santa Barbara, USA. Opened opportunity for an exhibition at the San Diego Art Show.

Beautifulmag Magazine

Peter ERZVO Zvonar is a controversial, provocative and exhibitionistic Slovak photographer who publishes mainly abroad where his style of work is more commonly known – accepted – than at home in Slovakia. “The art has to be controversial,” he states. “All great works of art which were super temporal were always outside of majority’s understanding. The art should be stirring. It’s a kind of rebellion that comes from the heart and soul of the artist. When I create art, I don’t think about the consequences of it, but the specific message of the piece, how I captured the story and it doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic story, story of one person, terrifying story or whether it shows ones’ hidden desires and urges. I like to portray these in particular. Maybe that’s why there is a lot of sexuality in my artwork as well as Christian symbolism. That’s why I am not as popular in my homeland Slovakia which has a very traditional Christian society. I also believe it’s because of my attitude to life and my openness.”

Peter ERZVO Zvonar is in perpetual pursuit of creative individuation. He approaches this goal in a process of focusing his attention on the most important and immediate needs. Towards that end he has discovered (or invented) narratives and mythology to fuel the intentions of his work. Zvonar’s characters inhabit spaces and places that are in the world of the not-known in the realms that are subversive. The artist’s characters reflect the chemistry of imagination, the volatile and ephemeral reverie. If we were to permit ourselves the challenge of characterizing the complex and often contradictory quality of Zvonar’s art, we might say that its incongruous facets arise out of a struggle to make manifest an ‘inner realism’ only available to the artist. It arises out of a world that only the artist is capable of identifying and tracing. He is engaged in seeking in art a satisfaction for man’s rage for order; he finds spiritual order, not divine revelation, in a secular imagination. In outlining that world’s contours to the observer Zvonar‘s logic of passion gives moral authority and remarkable subversive importance to the artist’s task of unveiling the marvellous.



AMSTERDAM WHITNEY International Fine Art, congratulates you on being accepted to our distinguished Family of Artists. After carefully reviewing your artwork, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Review Committee has formally selected you to participate in our elite museum-caliber Representation Program. Our Curatorial Review Committee was deeply impressed by your outstanding Photography Series which emblematizes the artistic essence of life and explores the spontaneity and drama of our world. We commend you on “DARK” which reflects a visual intensity.and a unique individual expression . Your impassioned lens in “WET” creatively encapsulates a unique artistic vision with luminescent positive energy as it radiates a lyrical, poetic artistic viewpoint. We enjoyed your sterling visual voyage in “BODY AND SOUL” with its sophisticated, compelling composition which reflects a unique sensitive “Third Eye.” Your aesthetically absorbing “FREEDOM” reverberates with a powerful interplay of light interacting with vibrant tonal combinations, as it is juxtaposed with a superb perspective. Your provocative ‘Oeuvre” oeuvre treasures our world with its eternal visual symbolism and embodies a timeless message while offering a powerful narrative. We salute you on your intriguing work which conveys the invisible within the visible and seizes the essence of the emotional and physical experience with a profound sensitivity to humankind. Your compelling photography reveals a timeless perspective and passionately captures the excitement and visceral quality of our universe.


If we were to permit ourselves the challenge of characterizing the complex and often contradictory quality of Zvonar’s art we might say that its incongruous facets arise out of a struggle to make manifest an ‘inner realism’ only available to the artist. It arises out of a world that only the artist is capable of identifying and tracing. He is engaged in seeking in art a satisfaction for man’s rage for order; he finds spiritual order, not divine revelation, in a secular imagination. In outlining that world’s contours to the observer Zvonar‘s logic of passion gives moral authority and remarkable subver- sive importance to the artist’s task of unveiling the marvelous.


John Austin is an art writer living and working in Manhattan


Artifact gallery, Manhattan, New York

April 4 – 22, 2018

He offers an escape route from the small box of the mind and everyday morals.


He is compared with Mapplethorpe, Bianchi or Hamrick, because of his unique style, concepts, and ideas..

PAssport magazine US
Artifact gallery, NYC

A little while ago we had some sexy naked images by photographer Peter ERZVO Zvonar and although I planned to get out there right away and look for more of his work I was a little side tracked and got distracted. Well, you’ll be glad to know that I finally got out there and started looking around, and I found some truly gorgeous work that you need to see.

This Slovakian photographer creates dark and moody images that really don’t hold back. Whether it’s the interesting nature of his models, the poses or the themes, there’s always something to pull you in and make you linger.

I know that when I pause on a photo and really take my time to drink it in, they’ve achieved something with me. It’s safe to say that Peter ERZVO Zvonar does that.

And it’s not just because of the erotic nature of some of his work either. Everything I’ve seen of his so far has been beautiful, fascinating, alluring.

As this is a nude post I’m focusing on his erotic male shots, and I think you’re probably gonna want to see more of him too. I don’t usually include links in a post but you would be served well by this one if you enjoy really amazing photography – visit him, see more at ERZVO.


A few months ago we posted a gallery of Peter Erzvo Zvonar’s work. It was very popular and garnered hundreds of thousands of page views. So we thought that his fans should know that he will be in New York attending the a sale of his works April 4-8 at Artifact Gallery. There is an opening reception April 4 at 6 p.m.Zvonar’s work is sexy, audacious, and heretic. He offers an escape route from the small box of the mind and everyday morals.

ADVOCATE magazine

1. Museum Exhibition in South Korea
2. Monaco Yacht Show in Monte Carlo
3. Spectrum during Art Basel Miami
4. The Los Angeles Art Show


Emotions. Stories. Sexuality.

The striking photos of Peter ERZVO Zvonár


Slovakian artist Peter ERZVO Zvonár is a photographer whose work focuses on the human figure, Christian images, or self-portraits.

Ahead of the opening of his first solo exhibition in New York, I spoke with Zvonár for a behind-the-scenes look at his latest series of work.

What was the inspiration for the series of photos included in the exhibition?

The inspiration behind all my artwork is life itself — emotions, stories, sexuality. I haven’t prepared anything special for the New York exhibition. It’s all my work from 2013 up to present-day, presented as large format photographs on high quality paper, with mount and frame.

Your work has caused controversy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic — what is it about your photographs that people have found controversial?

Art has to be controversial. Art should be stirring. It’s a kind of rebellion that comes from the heart and soul of the artist….


Contract with Artifact Gallery, 84 Orchard Street, Manhattan, New York (Artcorp Inc). Solo Exhibition April 4 – 22, 2018, opening reception Wedn April 4, 2018. Extensive multimedia promotional campaing and participation of the Artist in exibitions at selected museum, including Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum etc.

exibition in new york, april 2018

ADVOCATE MAGAZINE (USA): These photos are so good we almost can’t post them. You should see what we held back.

Slovakian photographer Peter Erzvo Zvonar dares to push boundaries of taste and sensibility in a conservative country and climate. He is big, dashing, and ridiculously sexy himself. (Guess which images here are his self-portraits.) He likes upending the limits of decorum and piety. Maybe we will get the nerve to show you his Christian images at some point. Wow.
Zvonar is to be admired for following his heart and a few other organs to create his images and expose the world to what turns him on. We should all be so open and transparent. And all of this is done with a wicked sense of humor. Even though his images can be controversial, he continues to garner awards and commendations as well as be included in dozens of international exhibitions.

In 3 days more than 5,800 sharing and over a million visions

Cover of Business Worldwide magazine – photo by ERZVO

Mohammad Al Duaij, CEO of Alea Global Group – winner of Business Worldwide Magazine’s Man of the Year Award 2017


My work sells 1340 Gallery (Italy)

“You have submitted strong artworks for our review. They are fantastic and we will be happy to welcome you as an exhibitor in the Foto Solo Pavilion at Artexpo New York.”


Art Exhibitions / Press / Digital Design & Marketing / PR & Representation / Editorial Reviews & Interviews / Art Fair Showcases / Sales Network

2017 – Nominated 1340 ART International Magazine – Gallery Italy, print edition January 2018
2017 – Finalist (3 photos) Photo Contest Bulgaria  FIAP, PSA, GPU, PCB
2017 – Nominated The 6th Annual One Eyeland Photography Awards 2017
2017 – I got an offer from a famous gallery in Manhattan, New York, ARTIFACT 84 Orchard Street

Finalist The Global Art Awards 17.11.17 Dubaj, Burjn Khalifa – Armani Hotel. Organised by the Middle East Art Collector Association (UAE) with associate The Wall Street Journal (USA), photo Jesus Christ with Coca Cola

The Global Art Awards are the international Awards for the Visual Arts. They were created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of artists, galleries, and art professionals worldwide. Awarding the outstanding artist live to the public and press, giving the winners the recognition that they deserve, boosting their career and a ‘Best Global Artist‘ title to claim for the rest of their career.

The Global Art Awards, Burj Khalifa, Armani Hotel 17.11.17

Organised by MEACA – Middle East Art Collector Associaton with associate The Wall Street Journal 

Never Stop Believing – book

Unique bibliography, the best of ERZVO. Photostory, Christian symbols and PornArt. 100 pages, 22×22 cm. Best quality photos. Available for purchase as limited edition 50 books of full color prints. Embos signed and numbered. Please feel free to contact me if you need any information. Price 300 EUR.
Photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration, passports to inner sanctums, instruments for change. Their images are proof that photography matters – now more than ever.These photography has become a global cacophony of freeze-frames. Millions of pictures are uploaded every minute. Correspondingly, everyone is a subject, and knows it-any day now we will be adding the unguarded moment to the endangered species list. Of course, every professional photographer hopes for the epic shot, the once-in-a-lifetime collision of opportunity and skill that gains a photograph of instant entry into the pantheon alongside famous photographers. But among other photographs is art of expression, freedom of thought, a vision that wants to be perpetuated forever….



Calendar SLOVAKIA by ERZVO 2018

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LUI: ROZHOVOR: Kontroverzní fotograf ERZVO reprezentuje Česko a Slovensko – potetovaným Ježíšem s Coca-Colou v ruce

Díky spolupráci s Peterem ERZVO Zvonárem jsme měli možnost nakouknout na vysoce prestižní událost. Jakmile se předávájí ceny v Hotelu Armani, který se nachází v jedné z nejslavnějších budov na celém světě, v dubajské Burj Khalifa, máme jistotu, že jde o něco skutečně důležitého. ERZVO byl vybrán, aby v soutěži o nejlepší umělecká díla světa reprezentoval střední Evropu. Nevycouval z této výzvy a do soutěže poslal odvážný snímek zobrazující Ježíše Krista… řekněme velmi netradičně. Jak se umístil? A neměl se svou fotografií v muslimském světě problémy?

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Nový čas: Takýto kalendár ste ešte v živote nevideli: Na erotiku a modelky zabudnite, je to niečo úplne iné.

Firemná zábava, aká nemá obdoby. Družstevníci z Poľnohospodárskeho družstva v Sklabini (okr. Martin) sa rozhodli, že si na chvíľu odskočia od vône čerstvo nadojeného mlieka a vône hnoja – rovno pred objektív fotografa ako modeli a modelky.

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Plus 7 dní: Kontroverzný slovenský fotograf v Dubaji zabodoval s holým Ježišom, ktorý pije kokakolu

Otvorene hovorí o sexe aj o tom, že je gay. Poznávacím znamením tvorby ružomberského fotografa Petra ERZVO Zvonára sa stala nahota aj kontroverzný prístup ku kresťanským témam.

A práve dielo tohto svojrázneho muža zaujalo porotcov súťaže The Global Art Awards v Dubaji, organizovanej v asociácii s The Wall Street Journal. Z celého sveta vyberali tých najlepších spomedzi prihlásených výtvarníkov, sochárov a fotografov. „Nominovali ma v lete. Moja tvorba zaujala spomedzi tisícky prihlásených prác a stal som sa finalistom v sekcii fotografia,”upresňuje Peter Zvonár.

Plus 7 dni, Redaktor: Monika Mikulcova

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Plus 7 dni magazine, #24 Gay porno na fotkách? 

Vyslúžil si prezývku “špinavý fotograf”. Peter ERZVO sa netají svojou homosexuálnou orientáciou. Svoj kontroverzný postoj prejavil aj svojím pornografickým gay kalendárom DREAMS 2016, ktorý mal veľký úspech doma i v zahraničí. „Prelomil som jedno veľké tabu,“ hovorí. Po ňom nasledoval ešte odvážnejší kalendár PornArt WORKS 2017. 


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Plus 7 dní: Fotografia Mária Magdaléna a Ježiš Kristus – Bára Basiková

Basiková kedysi šokovala lesbickými fotografiami, teraz pózovala pre kontroverzného fotografa ako Mária Magdaléna s nahými mužmi.
Slovenského fotografa Petra Erzvo Zvonára, autora kontroverznej fotografie Ježiša a Márie Magdalény, speváčka spoznala na jeho marcovej výstave v Millionaire Gallery Praha, kde sa stala krstnou mamou jeho vernisáže. O mužovi, ktorého prezývajú aj slovenský Jan Saudek, sme písali v májovom čísle PLUS 7 DNÍ.
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Interview v Radio One Rock s Nikoletou Mars Kovacovou

Interview Radio One ERZVO

FOCUS  ZIMA 2016 – “Peter Janík is an worldwide-awarded trendsetter & leader of the rarest collectable bespoke signature Haute Jewellery Art”

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Czech singer Icon Bara Basikova as Maria Magdalena & Jesus Christ

Interview TIP Radio Praha, Libor Baselides, 2016

Autorský deň, výstava AKTA EROTIKA, Praha, 19.08.2016

Slávnostné odhalenie fotografie Mária Magdaléna a Ježiš Kristus a krst explicitného kalendára WORKS 2017

Galerie ABF, Václavské nám.31, Praha

Bára Basiková, Filip Jankovič, Jirka Korytár, Peter Janík, Jiří Jaskmanický, Libor von Baselides a ďalší

Video TOP STAR Magazin, TV PRIMA (Česká republika)

Plus 7 dní: Šokuje názormi aj fotkami. Homosexuálny fotograf: Každý človek je Boh

Nahota, porno, krv, kresťanské symboly… A to zďaleka nie je všetko, čím fotograf Peter Erzvo Zvonár šokuje a poburuje. Slovenský Jan Saudek? Aj tak ho niektorí prezývajú.
„Na bilbordoch ku kampani na môj gay kalendár, ktorý je dosť na hrane, bol prvýkrát v slovenskej histórii zobrazený nahý mužský pár v objatí – museli mi to schvaľovať priamo vo vedení reklamky,“ priznáva Peter.
Gay, ktorý fotí hlavne odhalených mužov. A aby toho nebolo málo – na väčšine fotografií je on sám. „Mnoho ľudí, najmä zo zahraničia, mi však vraví, že som predbehol svojou tvorbou dobu,“ hovorí. Nuž, na Slovensku rozhodne.
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Exibition – Millionaire Gallery Prague, 30.03.2016

Vernisáž „Otvorené srdce, otvorená myseľ“ a krst knihy Svaty Pokoj (Jan Rejfek a Peter ERZVO Zvonar)

Výjimečný fotograf potřebuje výjimečný prostor, kterým Millionaire Gallery skutečně je.

Tvorba Petra ERZVA Zvonára je jedinečná příběhem každé fotografie. Za každým snímkem leží neuvěřitelná dávka energie, lásky, přemýšlení, emocí všech druhů, ale hlavně člověk a jeho příběh. Lidé si někdy v těžkých chvílích řeknou, že nic nemá smysl. Peter vás ve své tvorbě přesvědčí, že všechno svůj smysl opravdu má. Právě kvůli této skutečnosti se Millionaire Gallery rozhodla uspořádat vernisáž pro výjimečného fotografa, jehož díla budou vystavena mezi předměty osobností, které tvořily dějiny a staly se tak nesmrtelnými.
Jak říká Peter: „Vím, že budu žít věčně, protože fotografie, do kterých jsem se vložil, nikdy nezemřou.“

Martin France, Jakub Ludvik, Bara Basikova, Peter Erzvo Zvonar, Jan Rejfek, Peter Janik, Anife Vyskočilová, Míša Dolinová, Markéta Mayerová, Heidy Janku

I po padesátce ráda provokuje: Bára Basiková osahávala fotky nahých gayů

BOOK “Svatý Pokoj”

autor Jan Rejfek a Peter ERZVO Zvonar

Je dobré se zastavit a nahlédnout mimo každodenní běh věcí na sebe – jak se mám? Zrevidovat poměr své vnitřní radosti ve vztahu k věcem, o kterých mám pocit, že je “musím”. To o čem mám pocit že “musím”, prostě nemůže mít větší hodnotu než moje vlastní radost.

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Oh lord where art thou?

Backstage z fotenia témy “Oh lord where art thou?” v Grand Castle, Liptovský Hrádok, Slovakia. Model: Sima Pagáčova & Peter ERZVO Zvonar, video MOOVI

Beautiful Mag magazine, France

Slovak photographer, more famous in abroad that at home, whose work is very popular abroad and is published by many worldwide magazines, is publishing his first calendar of gay erotica, unparalelled in his home country.

Works of Peter ERZVO Zvonar is, in many regards, exceptional. Those are not your ordinary erotica photographs, the photographer ventures further. His work breaches the boundary between erotic art and pornography, and the photographer is courageous enough to step in front of the camera, not only to uncover his genitalia, but also portrays male to male sexual acts. He strikes perfect poses and his world-class looks and immense charisma eclipses also some of his better built models. This is Peter ERZVO Zvonar: exhibitionist and courageous photographer, who isn’t afraid to enter the danger zone. We are bringing you this interview with this photographer along with several uncensored shots that came up during production of this unique calendar…

International Contemporary Artists, New York

International Contemporary Artists volume X is a publishing project dedicated to the promotion of contemporary visual artists. Our aim is to present the artists personal visions, their ability to present a new view of life and transform something trivial to a beautiful artwork; to showcase their work to an international audience which includes other artists, galleries, museums, curators and collectors.

I.C.A. Publishing
US: 380 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, 10168, US

The Standard magazine, USA

Peter “Erzvo” Zvonar: Picture Perfect

Mapplethorpe, Bianchi, Hamrick, over the years we have seen many great male erotic photographers. All having their own style, their own concepts and ideas. But what is it that really drives these talented people? What makes them choose to do male photography, or male erotic photography? Peter Zvonar stands out by the quality of his work. Peter grew up and lives in Slovakia, and it is here where he found his first inspiration to become an artist. His art is a reflection of his own personality; especially when it comes to male physique. Peter Zvonar wants us to know what drives him and gives us his insight to the world of his art…

OK! Magazín EXKLUZÍVNE, August 2014

Talent, ktorý zatiaľ nikto neobjavil …

Na Slovensku je veľa talentov, ktoré žijú v menších mestách či dedinách. Napriek tomu, že sa v nich skrýva veľa, ich umelecká tvorba sa dostáva k širokej verejnosti iba veľmi ťažko. Takýmto prípadom je aj fotograf Peter Erzvo Zvonár, ktorý napriek tomu žije svoj sen v Ružomberku. Rád by však to, čo robí, dostal ďalej. Z lásky a vďaky ľudí sa totiž žiť jednoducho nedá. My v OK ! Magazíne podporujeme talenty a preto vám teraz jeho snímky priblížime.

Je nekonvenčný. Tak by sa jedným slovom dal opísať bradatý fotograf Peter, s ktorým som sa síce nestretol osobne, no nejakým spôsobom ma jeho tvorba upútala. Začalo sa to písaním na facebooku a prerástlo to až k tomu, že mu chcem pomôcť dostať sa do nášho hlavného mesta. Pri pohľade na mužské akty, ktoré robí, je jasné, že si zaslúži oveľa viac. On sa napriek tomu nevzdáva a tvrdo pracuje na tom, aby si ho všimli aj iné krajiny. A verte tomu či nie, všimli si… Spája nespojiteľné a nejakým zázrakom sa pred jeho objektívom vyzliekajú tí najkrajší muži na Slovensku. Nie sú to však iba muži, čo fotí. „Z niečoho žiť treba a tak fotím aj zákazky, reklamné kampane a dokonca aj svadby,“ povedal talentovaný fotograf. Jeho vášňou však ostáva práve mužské telo. Modelov má dosť, len keby to ocenili aj magazíny, ktoré by mu boli ochotné zaplatiť za jeho prácu. Nefotí pred obyčajným plátnom, nefotí bežného slovenského muža a nechce skĺznuť do priemernosti.

Eva Máziková sexi ako nikdy – denník Plus 1 deň, 19.august 2014

Eva Máziková sexi ako nikdy 

Speváčka Eva Máziková (64) sa cez víkend vrátila v čase a opäť ponorila nohy do kapusty.

Presne tak, ako to bolo v jej najslávnejšej filmovej úlohe. Odvtedy uplynulo neuveriteľných 39 rokov. Napriek tomu sa jej poprsie, ktoré sa zarylo do pamäti najmä mužov, vôbec nezmenilo. naopak.

Na snímke, ktorú nafotil fotograf Peter ERZVO Zvonár, to vyzerá tak, akoby ešte zbujnelo.
Fotenie prebehlo vo Vlkolínci a Ivana Rajniaka (†67) po Evinom boku vystriedal Čech Jan Rejfek.

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"I believe in love and consider it a natural phenomenon, in second place right after life."
Ružomberok Slovak Republik erzvo@erzvo.com